• Sport

    clumsy son

    Some people are really talented in sports and other athletics. And then there are those who are not gifted at all in sports. I have an eight-year-old son who is very clumsy. My son is very clumsy; I feel very sorry for him. He can\’t even swim; he still goes to the swimming lessons he took when he was 5 and 6 years old, but even in the last two years he hasn\’t learned to swim. He can\’t even swim a meter. At first I thought it was a joke or that my son was not ready for it, and I am really sorry. But when I heard that after…

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  • Women

    Harassment in the Workplace

    I really enjoy being a woman. I love being a woman, but there may be a lot of people who think that we women really have too many struggles in life. I know what everyone really wants to say and that is mainly like sexual harassment in employment and in the workplace. It\’s like sexual harassment. Speaking of sexual harassment, have you ever experienced it? I have, I have experienced it several times. I will tell you that sexual harassment can happen to men as well as women. Let me tell you, it is really very sad afterwards. For example, my cousin, who is very sensitive and introverted, worked in…

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  • Women

    Women and their tactics

    If there is one thing that is typical of many women, it is to play a particular game. There are a number of women who really should not be trusted, because they perform in front of you how not great they are, while sometimes they are not at all. Often it is a woman putting up a very big front, either to turn you on or for some other purpose. It is clear that no one wants a woman who is acting. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to detect such things. It is possible to detect that a woman is pretending to be you, but in many cases it is…

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  • House and apartment

    Bydlení v dom [

    Také se vám někdy zdálo,že bydlíte nkkde úpln j jinde,než la bydlíte ve skutečnosti? Tohle se stalo mě is located in už n nkolikrát vbbec nevím, jsou sny, že se vždycky tém ve ve ve snu probudím úpln. nplkde jinde. Ne,še bych chodila spát opilá. Vddycky se mi tohle jenom zdá. Myslím si, že tohle je Institute of Basic Research nějaké znamení,že už bych konečn moh mohla vypadnout z n njakého malého bytu z nájmu,najít si n njaké poáádné bydlení, že bych si tebeba vzala hypotéku nebo ncoco podobného. Já ale se stálebojím,še potom to nebudu splácet aše potom také budu mít opravdu veliké problémy. Protože když nebudete splácet hypotéku…

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  • House and apartment

    Own housing

    I always wanted to have my own house or flat and I was looking forward to having a big house with a garden when I had a family. After all, who wouldn\’t want a big house or apartment these days? I myself have always dreamed of half of one. All my life I\’ve lived in a rented house with my parents. It was a small two-bedroom flat in a big apartment building. I had a wonderful childhood there, but I lacked space, and because we had a small apartment, I couldn\’t have a dog or a cat. I always wanted to have a dog and a cat. But because of…

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  • Goods

    Don’t waste money unnecessarily

    Christmas time is here. Of course, it is not always just now. It can be a birthday, a holiday, an anniversary, or let\’s say an outpouring of simple love and affection for another person, it\’s there. We get the right gift for the person we want to please, bring it from the store, and wrap it in the desired wrapping before giving it to them. It is logical. We are not going to give someone a gift wrapped in unsightly recycled wrapping paper hastily wrapped by a store, nor are we going to give it to them in tasteless cardboard or plastic original packaging from a manufacturer that advertises what…

    Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Don’t waste money unnecessarily
  • House and apartment

    Advantages and disadvantages of working from home

    People want to make their lives as easy as possible. If you have adequate training or knowledge in a certain field, you can make use of it at home. Thanks to today\’s technology, this is not uncommon. Most jobs are done on a computer and sent to the employer. Some jobs are done manually. Working in a home officehas both positive and negative aspects. company and colleagues . It is suitable for introverts. It may not be suitable for extroverts who like personal interaction with the company and people around them. Communication with superiors and colleagues is rather impersonal. Mistakes may occur in communication. There is no social interaction with…

    Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Advantages and disadvantages of working from home
  • House and apartment

    Bydlíme v garsonce

    Mít svjj vlastní – Doom anebo je Core Research institute snem každého človkaka,tedy alespo m mーj銭. Mjj Thousand už dlouho to Je. Jenomče bohučel na to nemám dostatek financí. Vzpomínám si,kdyš mi bylo asi patnáct anebošestnáct let,protoše jsem si vědycky přála mít vlastní bydlení. Jenomče ono ve finále to nenítakěplně jednoduché. Prototype experimental mechanics si řekla, že je nejlepší, když také vlastn si si človkk zjistí, na strain má. A také zbytečnýnesní. Ano,kdyš máte své sny a jdete si za nimi a jsou vlastný takovéreálné,tak to potom ano. Mšete o tom snít i pšemělet. Jenomže když máte nějaké opravdu nereálné sny tak bohužel se vttšinou nevyplní. A potom je človトk…

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