
Getting kids to play sports

Many adults today are overweight or obese. This negative trend is the result of modern lifestyles that are very different from those of just 30 years ago. Back then, it was common for children to be encouraged to play sports not only at school, but especially outside of school. As soon as children got home from school, they would venture outside to meet their friends and return home at dusk.

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Today, on the other hand, parents find it problematic that children spend much more time at home than playing outside or playing sports. But the children themselves do not realize how important it is for their bodies to move. That\’s why parents are there. They can cultivate a healthy relationship with exercise by taking their children out to the playground, teaching them to bike or skate, and generally guiding them to exercise. And it can build a strong foundation for them.

Of course, it is not a good idea to cram your child into every possible club, but it is good to talk with your child about what they enjoy and what they find fulfilling and what they don\’t. The child\’s needs and opinions should definitely be taken into account. If the child is allowed to join a club that he or she does not enjoy, the club fee will only be wasted and the child will not want to go. The skills acquired at the club will not be acquired at all. If you offer several choices, the child will choose. However, each child should attend one athletic club.

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If someone discovers a hidden talent for a sport in your child, encourage that sport. Whether your child enjoys soccer or volleyball or something else entirely, it is a good idea to try to deepen that skill. Perhaps your child will become so good at the sport that he or she will make it a profession, and you will not have to worry about the future. That is the hidden side of sports. You never know which sport your child will enjoy and which sport he or she will excel at. What is important, however, is to listen to your child.

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