
extra pounds

There are many people who do sports because it is fun and they want to lose extra weight. However, it is clear that if you want to lose weight or lose excess weight, you cannot afford not to play sports at all. Therefore, it is important to start playing sports as soon as possible. If you do a lot of sports, your body will become addicted to sports. It is the same as alcoholism or smoking. This is what my teacher told me when I was in high school, that if you do really strenuous activities like sports, you can become addicted.

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In my opinion this is a really good addiction. Because my best friend was very grumpy after giving birth because she couldn\’t lose any of the weight she wanted to lose. So I told her that we should go to sports together. We both put on rollerblades and rolled like this through a park with paved paths. It was a path for cyclists and rollerbladers or anyone who wanted to run. I have to confess that afterwards my brother joined me and the three of us enjoyed rollerblading. My brother also said he wanted to lose at least five pounds.

Pohyb je důležitý.

My brother was in pretty good shape, but if he wanted to lose 5 kilos, there was nothing wrong with that because he could always gain weight. My brother was also always concerned about his appearance, he wanted to lose the extra weight, he bought a nice pair of leather pants and he wanted to lose weight in them. I think this is really great. My brother also changed his lifestyle and diet a month ago, and I think if you change your diet and do sports like that, you will lose weight really fast. You really don\’t have to worry about it. You can also hire your own nutritionist.

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