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Rude Politics

Rude Politics

Obviously, it would not be possible without politics. Politics these days is very violent and many people do not know anything about politics. Therefore, it would be best if the public also became aware of politics or what is actually wrong with politics. I understand that there are many people who would like to completely change their approach to politics, and some would like politics to be less violent than it is now. Simply, politics should change. But sometimes it is not as simple or easy as many people think. Many people think that if they learn politics, or if they can understand politics better, then suddenly politics will be really great and everyone will be able to play politics the way they like it.

Politika někdy také září štěstím.

It just doesn\’t work that way. Because what would the rest of the world and other people do? Others will be frustrated and angry that they are not getting their way. But people should realize that this is politics, and politics is violent, and there is no other way. Politics will never be extra sane or an example to young children and teenagers. Politics is always for adults, and politics is not sane. I also remember the various incidents that occurred last year concerning politics, politics in general, politicians, and women politicians.

Ženy jsou také úspěšné v politice.

Someone getting into a fight, hitting someone or threatening someone was no exception. In my opinion, threats certainly do not belong in politics, nor do fists, or other foul language, or restrictions on personal liberty. There are many such things. Not only in our republic, but also in Slovakia and everywhere else in the world. Politicians are sometimes violent or rude. In my opinion, this should change, because politicians should obviously be a role model for the world. Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case. Instead, it seems to me that politicians are laughing at themselves, at each other, and at the whole world.

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