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Politics Rarely Excites Me

Politics Rarely Excites Me

I don\’t know about you, but I really don\’t remember the last time I was happy with our political situation. I can\’t remember the last time something excited me. Perhaps in the first free elections after the Velvet Revolution, we were finally able to get rid of the unwelcome dominance of one totalitarian party and really choose our political representatives from more and more different offers. But later it was never glorious again. The only thing that has pleased me in politics lately is that a\’s populist government has fallen. B.This was a few years ago. And in the meantime, it turns out that the new government, promising accountability, has not actually done any of what I expected. It touched people\’s money, but it not only did not benefit the economy of the state, but also continued to harm it. So I lost my fantasy about this government lawsuit.

řečník u pultu

And I really don\’t know who to vote for to make this country better. Everywhere it is just a populist, someone who preaches water and drinks wine, if someone is already talking about responsibility or other real positives. That is, who promised to benefit the budget, and so far it will harm and harm. Politics only makes me sick. And certainly not just me. I hear criticism not only from myself, but from everyone around me. Politicians deserve our criticism. Someone who is at least in power, or trying to break through.

vystoupení političky

But there\’s something I don\’t like about this well-deserved criticism. Politicians are being criticized for what they are doing. On the contrary, they are actually said to be better than the worse, risking choosing an even worse politician rather than a bad one. Therefore, we get into the puddle from the mud. For the cheer of the Potrefen geese heard mainly. The government is not giving us enough money. Butter and eggs are more expensive. Let her be ashamed. „Jak tvrdí lidé,kter zm z neznámchch d nevod d nedochází,že právに není vina dnešní vlády.


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