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Women and provocative clothing

Women and provocative clothing

Many women complain about the male gaze. Perhaps such women would do well to think about their attire. If they dress provocatively, they will not be surprised by the male gaze. Perhaps all men like to look at certain parts of women, and if a woman wears a short skirt and a T-shirt with a neckline that goes all the way down to her stomach, it is not surprising that some men will look at her a little differently than a woman might expect. Some women have experienced sexual harassment many times. Of course, one should not indulge in such things, but it is good to think about what the woman in question may or may not be wearing.

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There is a good chance that this could be avoided if they dressed better than before. It is quite possible that many women would argue that they should wear what they want to wear. While this may be true, if the woman in question does not start dressing more appropriately, it is not surprising that some men will look at her differently than they had imagined. Often women who dress this way are not spared various words and smirks from men. Women really cannot be surprised by this. Until they change their wardrobe, they will always have to deal with these things. You should really think about yourself.

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Men should not act or look in a way that women find inappropriate, and women should think about what they wear or do not wear. If these things would change, everything would be much better. Unfortunately, however, few people are willing to think about themselves and make changes. Sometimes it doesn\’t hurt to make just a few changes. In many cases, it would be a step in the right direction. But reflect on yourself, because that is the only way to make a change. It is never a one-person problem. It is always a problem for more than one person. You too can look back and make a change. It\’s up to you.

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